Wednesday, September 7, 2011


The birds are growing very nicely and the severe weather the other night did not affect them. What was interesting however was both radios had lost tune with their stations and were silent - so silent I thought the batteries had died. I think it must have just been the vibration from the wind that had moved the tuning dial a bit (these are only after all cheap £6 analogue radios)

The electric fence survived but both needed much debris removed to make them in any way effective again.

My car has gone to the repairers after being run into by a youth driving too fast. The replacement 'thing' is not meant to have dogs in it 'in case a future client has an allergy' - this has proved very inconvenient on one hand and on the other it has highlighted just how much I rely on the dogs to do my job. I tried dogging in a boundary hedge tonight by myself and just watched the birds trot away in front of me and not go in the direction they would when the dogs were behind them. I have gone from the dogs doing it for 'training' to the dogs having to do it because the job won't get done properly if they don't !