Thursday, July 26, 2007

Himself - picture

Tailliside Water Chestnut of Tresallier


I am trying about 100mtr memory s along a right angled path - as in he has to run back and turn left; so i go out of sight to him, (but i can see the retrieve from where I am standing). Not always successful without a bit of 'driving' so maybe will shorten these up a bit.
Also doing circular arrays of three - but still having difficulty getting him to focus on me for the 'mark'

Short - as in dummy throw length 'seens' are done near a rabbit infested hedge to try and help him understand that a retrieve is a retrieve and not a chance to go on point :-) not sure if he has got the message as this lunch time the last retrieve was interrupted by a phone call ( I am using the field next to the workshop) he returned with the dummy but stopped short - i had to go and take the call and when i got back he had not moved and the dummy was still in his mouth.

Maximum of five / six per session with a bit of hunting as the reward at the end.

Just need to dream up some method of increasing his 'focus' on me at the sit out

Evening run - very good lines; once he had been convinced he was to do my bidding worked with a will - amazing strong retrieves overe 100+mtres - a real joy to watch. If only it was predictable.

Sunday, July 22, 2007


Within 20 yards of the start T went on point, now usually there have been rabbits there but this time I spotted a partridge moving away from us. He then moved forward and pounced on a day old chick. Not good but gave it up on command. The chick was not to be seen on our return later.
did a 150mtr memory around a corner - had to be 'driven' past the 40mtr barrier he seems ot have. Another 100metre seen out of a field and down a track - all out of sight of me proved successful. One day imay just learn to trust him.

Quartered a recently harvested field. Quartering across about four windrows. Went on solid point at the edge and on walking up to him he flushed a cock pheasant. Sat on flush. Carried on hunting the field and ignored the deer that got up from the edge and ran off. Did not spot the two hares who broke half a field away.

Worked up to where teh hares had been and put down a 40mtr seen. Hoping to make capital from teh recent hares scent as a distraction. Sent him back for the retrieve, success not distracted by scent. carried on quartering teh field and another strong point followed by a hare breaking from about a metre away. He ran after it but at least sat when told.

Tiring a bit now as laboured jumps over the straw on the uphill run - when compared with the initial runs

Saturday, July 21, 2007

River Arle

took them both for a walk along the banks of the Arle (in Arlesford) A 'millenium' footpath so lots of dog distractions. Did a couple of 150 mtr go backs - working on getting T past the 'thrown dummy barrier. Also a seen across the shallows with a pair of duck within 3 mtr. He had to be kept on task for that one.


short training walk up through the maize and into the wood. Long memory retrieves and a couple of seen. The dog was demonicly fast - possessed. This training stuff must be paying off.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Retriever Class

Retriever class tonight showed a lot of improvement. Everyone commented on this. T's run outs were pretty enthusiastic and his hunting the ground for the dummy better than usual. He even sat and looked back when unsure - how about that. Having missed finding one dummy he was called back and a lab sent - who also failed to find it; a second lab succeeded. The next retrieve T was not going to allow that to happen! and ran like his tail was on fire.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

The Triangle

We had a trip to East Kilbride for work today. a 4.30 start and a seven hour drive. An hour and half meeting and that was it. A pre booked phone call to Bill Thayne and a meeting in Band Q outside Livingstone then gave us several hours walking talking and dog work. What a pleasure. A little hunting in deep grass; after a short spell of the two dogs having done a spot of self hunting. Maybe my fault as they had only had two wee stops in 10 hours in the vehicle.

Really good to work a fresh bit of ground, were able to throw for Buck and Bil threw for us. Topaz 's water was very enthusiastic. A great afternoon.

Had a rainbow end on the car bonnet on the way home - must buy a lottery ticket this weekend :-)

Friday, July 6, 2007

Retriever Club

Our first proper meeting with the retrievers. five in all. Had a rolling conversation with a nice young lady who insisted she knew me - nice but also slightly unnerving. (me of a certain age and she young) Anyway problem was resolved - we had me on the shoot at Moundsmere. Topaz did well - relative to his usual - but was spending most of his time with his nose in the air and not concentrating on the job in hand. Need to spend time on 'memory retrieves'