Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Off to the Pyrenees

Tresallier have split into 'boy team and 'girl team' - The boy team have gone off to the Pyreneean foothills for a three week jolly to build a 19th century copy of a French staircase (as you do). The girl team stayed in the UK and are doing things like attend the BCGB weekend.

Last weekend we actually made it to the Pyrenees for real.

Lunch was by a stream - where the water gets in your ears!

Evenings are spent doing water retrieves as the days are so hot Laughing

Whilst back at the workshop there are rather too many chickens that roost in the wisteria -

Thursday, September 15, 2011

relief keeper

mixed emotions today.

My little tricolour friend ate the back out of my best shoes, mind they are / were still just wearable. However I come home this evening and all I have is the sole - cannot be pesky fresky as he had been with me.

Went to the pens this evening and guided Mark around - he is going to relief keeper for me for the next few weeks as I swan off to work in France. In one pen Fresco come trotting along with a pheasant in his mouth. As the deed was done I was more worried i did not pressure him and make him hold it too hard. When it came to hand it was cold and stiff and very emaciated - so a casualty of something. A quick inspection of it's larynx did not reveal any worm infestation but it was very thin and would I think have died of starvation. Odd and not something in an ideal world I would have liked to have left for another to sort out.

Took them all out mid afternoon for a small run. Catja was on the button, Topaz had his self hunting head on and although he came back everytime on the whistle it was by a slightly scenic route. Ellie was Ellie and Fresco ran like a loon. I don't know what got into him - it just looked as if he was running for the sheer joy of running and doing everything in an approximate manner. Sat late, wandered off line badly, didn't turn when asked -stuff like that. Maybe he was suffering from cabinitus and just needed to let his hair down. Hmm.

Monday, September 12, 2011

HGS working test

HGS working test - went well. The weather held for me with only one shower mid afternoon, when most competitors were in the shelter of the woods.
A bit of a prickly start - a few errors in my transcriptions of dogs' names into the running order and an earlier computer crash that had misplaced a couple of entrants - so they did not appear on the lists. Crying or Very sad As the whole of the event was managed out of a database this proved a bit of a problem - the lists were alphabetical by handler so any new one changed the numbering system and many numbers had already been issued. - I will have to revise that for next time also a better method of handling competitors living at the same address. The up side of using technology - and a village hall as the venue - was the ability to crunch the results in ten minutes and give ordered results sheets to all.

So what of the day? We had 39 runners in three classes in the end. A very pleasing turn out allowing a good test of the ground without the pressure of numbers. Much appreciated was the availability of fresh ground for each dog and also the chance to run in open fields.

The open dogs had a split retrieve of a seen and blind near one of the release pens to add interest followed by a blind retrieve of a cold pigeon. The novice dogs a split on a woodland ride requiring the dog to be stopped and directed and a seen down into a dell and over/under a fallen tree. Whilst the puppies had a seen and a memory placed by the handler. All dogs had a water retrieve. The pond was quite thick with elodea so the tests reflected this added difficulty. However as the pond is a flight pond for duck no one could really complain that their gundog shouldn't use it.

Julia provided catering all day - hot home made soup, sandwiches, tea coffee and cakes (60 plus cupcakes of many varieties). The sponsors provided over £150 worth of prize vouchers for the competitors and judges and the club gave certificates and rosettes to sixth place. I will be able to report back to the committee with a profit that will pay for all my field trial licenses this winter.

Friday, September 9, 2011

cool weather

I keep checking the weather forecast - willing it to be dry tomorrow for Hampshire Gundog Society's Gundog Working Test. The best forecast still tells me there will be half a millimeter of rain in the afternoon. I am now at the stage where I think I have done all in preparation; safe in the knowledge I don't know what I don't know!

The birds seem to have put on a spurt of growing, they certainly are consuming more, about 1/3 of a bag a day more. Had to refill one of the water tanks as a small and I mean small leak - no more than a dripping tap - had drained it to nigh on empty.

As the weather is starting to cool the dogs seem to revving up; their toilet trip in the morning is now done in 'super hyper drive' there seems a desire to get as much ground under their paws as possible - or is it that they have a series of 'haunts' that they wish to check. ? I have started to use this time to refresh the idea of 'stop' particularly with Fresco as his running I think he is getting into a bit of a habit - he is running to his next objective oblivious to the world around him. I don't want this to become the thin end of a wedge so to speak.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


The birds are growing very nicely and the severe weather the other night did not affect them. What was interesting however was both radios had lost tune with their stations and were silent - so silent I thought the batteries had died. I think it must have just been the vibration from the wind that had moved the tuning dial a bit (these are only after all cheap £6 analogue radios)

The electric fence survived but both needed much debris removed to make them in any way effective again.

My car has gone to the repairers after being run into by a youth driving too fast. The replacement 'thing' is not meant to have dogs in it 'in case a future client has an allergy' - this has proved very inconvenient on one hand and on the other it has highlighted just how much I rely on the dogs to do my job. I tried dogging in a boundary hedge tonight by myself and just watched the birds trot away in front of me and not go in the direction they would when the dogs were behind them. I have gone from the dogs doing it for 'training' to the dogs having to do it because the job won't get done properly if they don't !

Saturday, September 3, 2011

has he started pointing ?

A most interesting spell for Tresallier dogs. Our time at the drier has finished, but before it did I had a great opportunity to run Fresco at a cock pheasant. I had spotted it strutting its stuff across the short grass and took him down wind of it, by this time the bird had tucked itself down and out of sight. He was intent on having a pee and generally bimbling about when all of a sudden he spun into a point with his mouth working to stimulate his vomeronasal gland. A great breakthrough.

The birds have settled in well. We now have a good supply of grower pellets, something of a saga getting them here!. They have an aniseed additive as well as medication so with luck we should have a relatively easy time. the real problem at the moment is the number of people who walk their dogs and when it is pointed out to them their dog is in the wrong place only reply they will 'try' to keep it under control. Have these people never hear of a lead?

We have volunteered to 'dog in' for the Longwood keeper and have been given a stretch of boundary to cover. Our first outing there were clouds of partridge an pheasant on this boundary - so a very necessary job. Catja slipped into her old ways and chased a bird across the field - see our exploits at Vimpelles earlier in the year. We had another trip out in the evening when on going home the road was littered with partridge sitting on the hot tarmac. Imagine my surprise and pleasure when taking her around my pens this evening she worked diligently and flushed birds out of the shrubbery in small batches sitting and not chasing Laughing . Maybe there is hope for her yet. Fresco also had a small run and went on point to some poults that I had seen running into the hedge. The other day I had left him sitting at the pen gate, but he had decided to get up and explore got 'hit' by the electric fence, this sent him back to the car and also made him wary of being near the fence. I had to take time to take him back to near the wire and make him sit a while. He was not happy and I hope this does not affect his attitude to birds in the future.

Entries for the HGS working test have trickled in steadily and we have quite a good card a good result considering a test has been cancelled this weekend for lack of entrants. Disappointing that there is not one Brittany. (I do not feel it right to enter under judges I have chosen and on my own ground)