Thursday, October 20, 2011

Finished in time - just

The staircase was fitted just in time - by half 6 on the last day! Will go back next year to colour and polish it - probably after a run at Vimpelles.

The last week Julia came over and we spent time digging drains, building stone walls and walking the dogs in Giverset Forest. A bit formulaic for them- but the dogs love these woods and it is easy walking for us.

On my return a visit to 'my birds' -- they are looking good now, feathering up nicely and beginning to fly well. however a bit too friendly as they seem to have no fear of dogs or humans. Fresco has adopted a bit of a laconic attitude towards them - he ignores them if he can see them and only shows interest on the hidden ones, however I still don't feel he has truly got the idea of pointing and holding the birds yet - hopefully this will come with a bit more experience and a scarcer population of birds. He does sit nicely to flush though so that is a bonus. They are holding well around the two pens - which is good - just hope they are still around next month when we host a novice field trial. Talking of Field Trials I had Topaz entered in the BCGB one which has just been cancelled through lack of entries. Crying or Very sad The HWHV trial was similarly suffering before its close and sent a round robin email - we only made the reserve list on that! Perhaps third time lucky with the Bristol and West's trial??

Training of Fresco is coming along - I discovered a 'hole' the other day. Whilst he is now pretty good on his stop whistle on a run out to a blind retrieve he just ignores it - which makes redirecting him before he looks for redirection a bit difficult. Will have to do some work on that; however i recall a similar problem with Catja and she ended up sticky for a while - running out a bit and then stopping in expectation of the whistle.