I keep checking the weather forecast - willing it to be dry tomorrow for Hampshire Gundog Society's Gundog Working Test. The best forecast still tells me there will be half a millimeter of rain in the afternoon. I am now at the stage where I think I have done all in preparation; safe in the knowledge I don't know what I don't know!
The birds seem to have put on a spurt of growing, they certainly are consuming more, about 1/3 of a bag a day more. Had to refill one of the water tanks as a small and I mean small leak - no more than a dripping tap - had drained it to nigh on empty.
As the weather is starting to cool the dogs seem to revving up; their toilet trip in the morning is now done in 'super hyper drive' there seems a desire to get as much ground under their paws as possible - or is it that they have a series of 'haunts' that they wish to check. ? I have started to use this time to refresh the idea of 'stop' particularly with Fresco as his running I think he is getting into a bit of a habit - he is running to his next objective oblivious to the world around him. I don't want this to become the thin end of a wedge so to speak.