Friday saw an early start to attend the show in the Malverns - under Pat Rush. Despite being on site in plenty of time - somehow I nearly missed my class with Fresco - so thanks to those who found me! A good thing, with Fresco winning Best Puppy. Pleased with that as this will be his last outing for some while I think and to get an appraisal from such a breed specialist is very useful. I was then asked could I run a friend's bitch ? - a lovely biddable girl she was (the dog that is) who moved nicely , stood well and spat out the treat she was offered in disdain. Laughing a great delight for her owner when we won the bitch ticket and then went on to be judge Best of Breed. I have to admit for the first time I really saw how competitive dog showing could become addictive - I was in that ring to beat the opposition. I didn't know I was that competitive. Unfortunately I had to leave immediately to drive to a job near Southampton, finishing there just after 7pm - a long day.
Saturday met up again with Barney and his handler and a friend of hers with a GSP. A bit of ground I had recc'ed a few weeks before. My how Barney had come on - he was not spitting his dummy, he was moving freely away from his handler and was attentive to her - it was a real pleasure to watch. She had worked on responding to him any time he looked at her and also having him always come to her hand whenever called in.
Sunday - what is this ? rain all day! took all up to Burkham and worked them across the large field several times - Fresco worked the wind well and also had a nice range and speed; something he has not really displayed before, mind you I have not previously encouraged him to. Might this be because the weather was cooler or is it just his age? He sat well on his whistle when stopped from thinking about chasing tweety birds. Will soon have to consider introducing him to some proper game.