Some basic directional work with Topaz over two sessions. At 100 yards he keeps coming back on what is a directional cast. I will really have to think about these hand signals. The response is far from good enough.
The 'go back' hand signal I am changing from a hand wave - not unlike a ostrich head nodding agreement to a 'punch the air' signal - used by Andreas Eissing when he was over here last year. To start with I have only done this on paths and field edges so there is a nice boundary to follow.
Catja had some work on her sit and turn. I have let her get out a bit to far so am now having to close her down a bit. After yesterdays bimble about looking for the distractions - I know she knows 'fetch' and I know she knows 'find' as separate commands - but I am beginning to think one coul
Ellie - along with Catja had a run in a silage field. Knackered in about 10 mins - the hill is on a steep slope and the only way through is to bound (unless running a wheeling) .
Tuesday will be some very basic heelwork - but they don't know that yet
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