Tuesday, April 21, 2009

well Mark I driven by PO rubber bands did not have sufficient umph. Mark II with the rubber bands replaced by a piece of shock chord worked but only after a fashion - the feathers moved a bit when the dummy was in the water but the whole thing ran out of 'go' after to short a time. Topaz was sent to retrieve it and was less than impressed - picking it up by a single feather. It now lies in the bin.

Tonight was 'Fun night' at ringcraft. Norwegian judge. Catja did not make it to the cut in her class. Ellie in Graduate took first out of 12 and then went on to be Reserve Best. Quite a result for her. Particularly as I only took her at the last minute as I know she likes parading. She did move well and her tail did not stop; she walked into ever stand. Chuffed.

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