Within 20 yards of the start T went on point, now usually there have been rabbits there but this time I spotted a partridge moving away from us. He then moved forward and pounced on a day old chick. Not good but gave it up on command. The chick was not to be seen on our return later.
did a 150mtr memory around a corner - had to be 'driven' past the 40mtr barrier he seems ot have. Another 100metre seen out of a field and down a track - all out of sight of me proved successful. One day imay just learn to trust him.
Quartered a recently harvested field. Quartering across about four windrows. Went on solid point at the edge and on walking up to him he flushed a cock pheasant. Sat on flush. Carried on hunting the field and ignored the deer that got up from the edge and ran off. Did not spot the two hares who broke half a field away.
Worked up to where teh hares had been and put down a 40mtr seen. Hoping to make capital from teh recent hares scent as a distraction. Sent him back for the retrieve, success not distracted by scent. carried on quartering teh field and another strong point followed by a hare breaking from about a metre away. He ran after it but at least sat when told.
Tiring a bit now as laboured jumps over the straw on the uphill run - when compared with the initial runs